Brown Confident in Election Bid


Date: Sept. 3, 2010

Maxine Waters is on the ropes and I can defeat her. I need your help now more than ever. Maxine would not be asking for early resolution of the charges filed against her by the Ethics Committee before the election if she were not scared. We have a lot more information that is not public and it is devastating -- there is much more to come that will help us beat her.

Maxine Waters is one of the most reviled members of Congress who represents everything that's wrong with left wing big government -- corruption, third world politics and keeping people poor. To freedom-loving Americans, defeating Maxine Waters will be a great victory. Doing it with our explanation of the path to the American Dream, however, is the political earthquake of this election.

The good news is that two years ago, I decided to throw away life as I knew it, go into the inner city in Los Angeles and break the lock the Democrats have on the Aro-American vote with conservative principles, as this single act would change the world. I volunteered in gang intervention and got right down to the "mean streets" level and I am here to tell you, all the stereotypes of the minority community are WRONG! I'm shocked at the reality I have seen. They know the entitlement society has destroyed the Afro-Americanfamily, they know illegal immigration is destroying fifty million proud U.S.- born American citizens of Latino heritage and millions more who have chosen the legal path to becoming citizens.

They are FED UP with the answer to everything being more surplus government cheese or another welfare program. This community is conservative at heart and Republicans should go to jail for being afraid to go into this community with the American Dream -- when people hear it, they love it and they get angry at the Democrats for keeping it from them. All we need to do is show up with it to win. The answer is not reaching out to the minority community; it is going into the community. I'm doing that and with your help, I will win!!

What I have also found is that the Left has no answer for a white executive breaking their stereotypes -- it is a nuclear weapon because the Afro-American community has branded its conservatives as traitors and they will not listen. But when they see that white people are not prejudiced and that they have been lied to, they get it! It also helps to be able to articulate how America was designed to function and why it is the only solution, and we are doing just that that -- with great success! I'm helping this minority community realize Congress is eating away at our precious freedoms and Maxine is at the front of the pack in tearing down America.

The bad news is that the Republican National Committee not only does not care, it is afraid to even think about challenging Maxine Waters, even when she's under attack for her corrupt practices. It is actually frightened to fight her and to promote the American Dream to minority communities. The real pathology of the RNC is that it is playing the game of politics as if it were a 163 game Major League Baseball season -- each "Bill" is a game to be played and once played, win or lose, it is over. There is no underlying belief in any principles of freedom, State or individual rights; just play the game as usual.

Because there is no underlying goal of protecting our freedom, elections become solely about protecting the system in which they play their game. As a consequence, the future of this country is in the hands of the people at the grass roots level and this campaign can be a game changer for America! That's why our country is in trouble -- it's partly the Democrats fault but Republicans unfortunately also share the blame because of their lack of commitment.

My more than two-year body of work has set up a victory path for America in non-Republican-heavy districts and if freedom- loving Americans will give this campaign grass roots support, it may well be the only campaign proving the American Dream and freedom is a winning strategy. You can be part of this new movement breaking the horrific negative stereotypes of racist, bigot and zealot that the RNC never once rejected.

When we prove the American Dream is a winner against Maxine Waters, America will truly be saved. Let's go for it and join the defeat of Maxine Waters. Please join my team and help save America. Your contributions of at least $25 to $100 or more, up to the maximum permitted by law of $2,400 per person, will ensure that you and I will save our great country. Please make your contributions to our concerted effort.
